What Is Expected Of A Truck Accident Attorney?

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A truck accident attorney in Miami is a legal professional that dedicates a significant percentage of the practice to dealing with issues that are at stake when one of the vehicles involved in an accident is a heavy truck. Some of these skilled attorneys defend the trucking company and driver but in most cases the attorney supports the other driver or the property owner that sustained injury or loss as a result of the accident.
The details of what a truck accident attorney in Miami actually does are dependent on the interest and experiences of the practice. Unlike the laws that apply to automobile accidents, the laws that come into force when a truck is involved embrace several different bodies of law which can involve personal injury, corporate liability, traffic, and insurance. For a truck accident attorney to be successful in pleading the client’s case in court, the attorney must be intimate with the various areas of law.
Accidents which involve two automobiles are usually much less complex than accidents which involve a truck. When two or more cars are involved in any kind of a road accident, the only concerned parties are the individual drivers and their respective insurance companies. In a case involving a truck, there is at least a third entity involved, the company that owns the truck. Most large trucks are used for commercial purposes; the drivers which are actually agents of the company that owns the truck are paid to move goods from one place to another. It is the job of a truck accident attorney in Miami to determine who was actually at fault, the driver as an individual, the driver as an agent of the company, the company itself or a third party driver driving under contract. It is even possible to involve a municipality if the fault was partially due to improperly maintained or marked roads.
The ultimate goal of the truck accident attorney, of course, is to serve the client. In doing do, there are a large number of issues and facts, the attorney, as a result, is more than anything a “fact-finder.” It is more than just the facts that are associated with the accident; the attorney must also understand what it was that led up to the accident. It may be the accident can be blamed on driver fatigue, being at the wheel longer than allowed to by law without a break. Perhaps an illegal substance was involved or maybe the truck was poorly maintained or maybe the load was not properly balanced. It is the job of a truck accident attorney in Miami to gather answers and present them in court if necessary.
An accident where one of the vehicles is a truck can be extremely complex, and you will need a seasoned truck accident attorney in Miami to properly support your claim for compensation.