
Thursday, July 28, 2005

Called the “Carrie Bradshaw” of bloggers by the New York Times, Manhattanite New Yorker Stephanie Klein’s online musings in her personal blog, Greek Tragedy, has gained the attention of Hollywood and the book industry while it draws comparisons to former HBO television series, Sex and the City.

Since January 2004, Klein has written her blog which goes into the intimate details of her life as a 29-year-old professional divorced single woman living on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, one of New York City’s most upscale neighborhoods. Since then her blog has become among the top 1 percent most-read blogs in the world, according to Technorati‘s “net attention” ratings system.

That popularity grabbed the attention of two international media conglomerates, News Corporation and NBC Universal. News Corp.’s HarperCollins book division struck a book deal with Klein valued at more than $500,000. The book is scheduled to debut in April 2006.

Comparisons to Sex and the City may continue, as NBC Universal is developing the blog-based book into a fictionalized weekly sitcom version of Klein’s life for its NBC television network.