9 Interesting Facts About General Expectations And Hospital Safety Training

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By Greg Garner
Healthcare is the second fastest growing economic sector in the US, with more than 14 million people working in this field. Healthcare workers are exposed to a variety of risks, which are uncommon for other professions. This is why it is both beneficial and mandatory for medical personnel to acquire a certification in General Expectations and Hospital Safety. Read below to find out some interesting facts about this type of training.
Within the general expectations and hospital safety course, healthcare workers will have to participate in HIPAA privacy compliance training. Companies that work with hospitals have to adhere to a certain terminology and have to undertake actions which comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
There also are special compliance courses designed for people who work in the Human Resources of a hospital or of companies that deal with health insurances. There are certain standards that must be followed within the medical field and training courses strive to make all employees aware of them.
Large hospitals usually employ compliance officers to take care of the periodic trainings, while other healthcare facilities turn to external companies.
Hospital safety courses include modules on certain incidents or accidents that are specific to the medical environment. These modules focus on latex allergies, handling instruments, and operating medical devices.
Medical workers are exposed to a series of contagious diseases, which is why hospital safety courses include lectures on the prevention of influenza, prevention of other airborne infections, planning measure in case of a pandemic crisis, the exposure to tuberculosis and Legionnaires ‘ disease.
Healthcare workers are also kept updated on the vaccines they need to have when entering a medical facility.
Another hazard specific to the medical environment is radiation. The radiation safety course includes regular inspections that ensure that state nuclear safety regulations are being followed and also educative courses offered for staff members. These courses are held by radiation safety officers, who have a degree in medical physics. Courses focus on the appropriate use of specific equipment, such as cyclotrons.
One of the major safety threats in a hospital is caused by needle stick and sharp injuries. This is why hospital safety courses focus on the appropriate use and disposal of needles and other sharp items. There are certain standards that must be followed, such as disposing of needles in puncture-resistant and leak-proof containers, labeled with the word ‘biohazard’.
Healthcare workers need to attend recertification courses from time to time, because general expectation and hospital safety credits expire every couple of years. This issue is usually handled by the administrative office that informs employees ahead of time.
General expectations and hospital safety training is relevant for any type of healthcare worker, from people who have direct contact with patients, to administrative employees, and maintenance staff. Preventable medical errors cause the unnecessary loss of thousands of deaths and billions of dollars, and this is exactly what hospital safety training tries to avoid.
For more information, please visit our General Expectations and Hospital Safety website.
About the Author: For more information, please visit our
General Expectations and Hospital Safety
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